Press Release
77 children visited the workplace of their parents at Aurubis Bulgaria on November 1, the Day of the National Revival Leaders
Bulgaria | Tuesday, November 1, 2022
- The Open Door Day for Children is part of the initiative "Proud with my parents' work" of the UN Global Compact Network Bulgaria and aims to support the early career guidance of children.
Total 77 children, aged between 7 and 14, were welcomed by company employees. Yanka Zaharieva - Koleva, Head of Recruitment and Selection, congratulated them with the Day of the National Revival Leaders. She explained that she and her colleagues would be happy to show them where their parents work.
Employees from the Health and Safety Department briefed the students on the safety rules that should be followed during their visit. The children found out what the safety face mask is for and how it should be used.
The students were divided into three groups according to their age. The older ones had visited the company several times. Three locations were prepared, which the little guests visited.
In the "Analytical Laboratory" the children learned about how the study of metals is done with sophisticated modern equipment, they looked what the laboratory technician did and observed various scientific experiments.
In the "Research and Development" department, the students met with the company's specialists who develop new technologies. They made ice cream with liquid nitrogen, and learned about the special protective clothing for the experiments. The children learnt that it takes a lot of knowledge and hard work to be successful at work.
The Chemists from "Mad Lab" took care for the children's good mood. The time spent with them passed unnoticed in amusing games. For the first time the children made balloons with liquid nitrogen, bathed without getting wet and learnt how to make rose salad.
At the end of the event children took a group photo and received gifts. They all were impressed by what they saw and learned at Aurubis Bulgaria.
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