Meet André! As Admin & Trainer Materials Handling, he ensures that (new) colleagues can quickly and safely get up to speed.
Beerse, 28 februari 2025
Op dinsdag 18 en 25 maart organiseren Aurubis Beerse en Select HR jobavonden voor de functie van Operator (Volcontinu) Gieterij.
Since April 2023, he has been working as Health & Safety Advisor at Aurubis Beerse. He advises the various departments on the safety of his colleagues. In February, Yannick will start the training of Prevention Advisor Level 1.
Beerse, January 24th 2025
Education and safety go hand in hand at Aurubis Beerse. On the International Day of Education, our colleague Christof, H&S Trainer, shares how he contributes to a safe and well-trained workplace.
As a Reception & Shipping Clerk, Celine plays a vital role in managing incoming and outgoing shipments at Aurubis Beerse.
Beerse/Olen/Turnhout, November 16th, 2024
Aurubis is pushing ahead with the further planting of the Princebos (extension of the Van de Veldereservaat) in Turnhout.
Beerse/Olen, October 25th, 2024
In the spring of 2023, two sea containers at Aurubis Olen were transformed into beautiful artworks. Recently, some company walls in Beerse were painted, uniquely showcasing our business and values.
Beerse/Olen, October 24th, 2024
Aurubis Beerse and Aurubis Olen have been named “Most Sustainable Company 2024” as winner of the Trends Impact Award in the Circular Economy category.
Ontmoet Vincent! In 2015 startte hij bij Aurubis Beerse als Tankhouse Operator. Nu werkt hij op onze nieuwe recyclagefaciliteit ASPA (Advanced Sludge Processing by Aurubis).
Hamburg/Beerse, 27 september 2024
Aurubis Beerse has now been certified with the Copper Mark as well. In addition, the Belgian site obtained the certification for the Nickel and Zinc mark.
Maak kennis met één van onze operatoren: Brent! Sinds februari 2019 werkt hij bij Aurubis Beerse als Lead Tin Operator. Samen met zijn collega’s staat hij in voor de verwerking van lood en tin.
Beerse, 13 september 2024
Maybe you have already tasted them or heard about them: our Aurubis pralines. A unique story lies behind these chocolates.
Beerse, September 4, 2024
Today, multimetal producer Aurubis celebrated the go-live of the ASPA plant at its site in Beerse (Belgium).
As a school leaver, Elise started her career as an R&D Engineer in February. "At Aurubis Beerse, you get the chance to start your career strong," says Elise.
Meet Dries! As a Digital Lean Transformation Manager, he is responsible for optimizing processes within Aurubis Beerse. This role brings him into contact with various departments within the company!
Tom has been working at Aurubis Beerse since February 2013 and has since grown into the role of Shift Supervisor. Next month, he will begin his new position as Team Lead Materials.
Beerse/Olen/Berango, July 4, 2024
Hans Van de Water will succeed Dirk Vandenberghe as Managing Director of Aurubis Olen and Aurubis Beerse/Berango.
Wannes has been working at Aurubis Beerse since December 2021 as a Procurement Buyer Non-Metals. Together with his colleagues, he is responsible for the procurement of non-metals goods and services.
Say hello to Greg! Hij loopt sinds februari stage bij de Maintenance Electricians bij Aurubis Beerse.
Beerse, March 21, 2024
Copper, gold, silver, platinum — Aurubis stands for valuable metals. With “You are our most valuable element”, the company emphasizes the essential importance of the employees and places them at the center of its new employer brand.
Beerse, March 11, 2024
We would like to introduce you to our two colleagues Pithchai Sivakumar (29) and Kevin Louwagie (33).
In its refined stage after electrolysis, copper cathodes are used as feed material for the production of wire rods, tubes, sheets & foils.
Tin is used in many ways in today’s everyday life and can be found back in electronics, food products, energy and transport applications.
Lead can be found in (electric) vehicle batteries, as well as in batteries operating emergency power supplies.
We offer a wide range of other metal products as well as minerals and granules.