Lead Ingots
Pb > 99,9 % |
Ag < 50 ppm |
Bi < 1000 ppm |
Cu < 30 ppm |
Sn < 10 ppm |
Sb < 10 ppm |
As < 10 ppm |
Applications or markets:
Soft Lead Ingots
Lead is a soft, malleable and ductile metal used for its corrosion resistance. Today’s main application is power & power storage such as: underwater power and communication cables. Lead can be found in (electric) vehicle batteries, as well as in batteries operating emergency power supplies. It has proven its role also in chemicals, roofing sheets and radiation shielding as well as an alloying element to other metals.
Hard Lead Ingots
Antimony hardens lead alloys for numerous machined or structural products, where antimony adds rigidity to the design. Lead antimony plates often are used in lead–acid batteries. Alloys of lead and tin with antimony show improved properties for solders, bullets and plain bearings
Production sites are all certified in accordance with ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 50001.

Our experienced Sales Team will be happy to assist you. Please contact us for technical support regarding processing your industrial metal waste flows and/or help with purchasing our products.