Press Release
More than 200 students from Zlatitsa and Pirdop visited the Sofia Science Festival invited by Aurubis Bulgaria
Hamburg, Sofia | Wednesday, May 15, 2024

- The company is a long-standing partner of the largest event for popular science
From May 9 to 12, 2024, Sofia Tech Park hosted the XVI edition of the Sofia Science Festival of the Beautiful Science Foundation. "Aurubis Bulgaria was a special partner of the largest event for popular science.
The festival offered its visitors a rich program of over 120 titles related to space, climate change, health and innovation.
In one of the three main festival halls - "Aurubis Laboratory", lectures and events such as "The Greenwich Meridian and the World's Strangest Time Zones", "The Physical Revolution of the 20th Century", "Geographical Discoveries and Records", "How to Run a Pipeline in Antarctica", "Science and Art from Glass", etc. were presented.
In addition, the Aurubis Laboratory hosted the premiere of a film about Marie Curie, one of the greatest scientific persons of the last century who changed the face of science.
In the framework of the festival "Aurubis Bulgaria" organized visits of more than 200 students from St. Paisii Hilendarski", Zlatitsa and "Savo Savov" Secondary School, Pirdop. The children had the opportunity to get acquainted with the wonderful world of minerals, records in the animal world and what kind of metals they have in their pockets.
"Aurubis Bulgaria is a long-standing partner of the schools in the region and of the largest popular science event.
That is why the Sofia Science Festival is again coming to visit the Srednogorie region. There will be visits of scientists at St. Paisii Hilendarski", Zlatitsa and "Savo Savov" Secondary School, Pirdop. The students will have the opportunity to expand their scientific knowledge through interesting lectures and demonstrations.
The Sofia Science Festival is organized by the "Beautiful Science" Foundation in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Science, universities, research centres, embassies and cultural institutes.
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