Press Release
"Health and Safety Week" at Aurubis Bulgaria
Bulgaria | Thursday, April 27, 2023

On the occasion of April 28th - International Health and Safety Day, the company organizes a variety of events to maintain and improve the culture of health and safety. More than 160 people participated in the activities planned during the week.
The interesting meetings, organized by the Occupational Health and Safety Department, were open to all employees of Aurubis Bulgaria, as well as employees of external companies working on the site.
The week of 25-27 April started with the "Active Sitting Method" initiative. Konstantin Kovachev - the creator of the method and the first comprehensive program for physical and emotional transformation based on applied kinesiology in Bulgaria, presented problems and physical changes in the body resulting from incorrect working postures and habits, combined with a demonstration of practical solutions to improve musculoskeletal health.
Participants had the opportunity to actively participate, try new techniques and methods on themselves, and discover the power of applied kinesiology.
A gift book "The Active Sitting Method - How to deal with body pain by yourself" autographed by Koko Kovachev was given to all attendees of the two-day meetings.
The program continued with a demonstration of Hilti's new, transformative "Shoulder Exoskeleton" technology, designed to help improve the effectiveness of working with raised arms, and was tested by company representatives.
The system also helps relieve fatigue and upper body pain that accumulates with prolonged work with raised arms.
The Health and Safety Week ended with a training meeting and presentation of the "10 Golden Rules" with technical supervisors and OSH officers of external companies involved in the upcoming, on-site, planned repair works.
"Aurubis Bulgaria is a company with a sustainable and continuously improving occupational health and safety system, thanks to its successful and responsible development and care policy.
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