Press Release
Zornitsa Yankova, HR Director at Aurubis Bulgaria: A successful organization is one that provides a diverse and secure work environment
Bulgaria | Monday, June 5, 2023

- The Company with key participation in strategic forums
At the end of May, Aurubis Bulgaria took part in two major events on the most topical HR issues.
During the national conference Next Level HR 2023: the new Vision for the Future of the Career Path, organized by Manager magazine in partnership with Aurubis Bulgaria, Zornitsa Yankova, HR Director, said, "Young people are creative, pragmatic, and focused. In order to give their best, young people need a clear vision and they look for meaning in what they do. "Aurubis Bulgaria is a community and our focus is caring for people through programs, benefits, and social partnerships. An organization is strong when it supports its people and is part of what happens to them and is important to them every day. At Aurubis Bulgaria, we are a part of our employees' lives by trying to engage them in active participation in community programs and initiatives in the region.
"Aurubis Bulgaria also supported the Women Business Leaders Forum, organized by Dir.bg, which brought together top-level business leaders in Europe and Bulgaria. Zornitsa Yankova took part in an open debate in the panel "Promoting Women's Entrepreneurship. Women's entrepreneurship is a key factor for economic growth and a sustainable future, therefore the active involvement of women in the entrepreneurial environment is key. At Aurubis Bulgaria, we are focused on developing women leaders and we are committed to achieving diversity. Everyone must give their best because a successful organization is one that provides a diverse and safe work environment, added Yankova.
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