Executive Board
The Executive Board of Aurubis AG consists of four members: Toralf Haag, Steffen Alexander Hoffmann, Tim Kurth and Inge Hofkens. Together they manage the company and report to the Aurubis AG Supervisory Board.

Dr. Toralf Haag
Chief Executive Officer

Tim Kurth
Chief Operations Officer Custom Smelting and Products

Steffen Alexander Hoffmann
Chief Financial Officer / CFO

Inge Hofkens
Chief Operations Officer Multimetal Recycling
Name | Initially appointed | Appointed until |
Dr. Toralf Haag (CEO, Chairman) |
September 1, 2024 | August 31, 2027 |
Steffen Alexander Hoffmann (CFO Chief Financial Officer, Member) |
October 1, 2024 | September 30, 2027 |
Tim Kurth (COO Custom Smelting and Products) |
September 1, 2024 | August 31, 2027 |
Inge Hofkens (COO Multimetal Recycling, Member) |
January 1, 2023 | December 31, 2025 |
You can find the notifications currently subject to disclosure requirements here.
In accordance with Art. 19(1) subparagraph 2 MAR, members of the Executive and Supervisory Boards of a public company as well as closely related persons must notify the company and the Federal Authority for Financial Services Supervision (BaFin) about the purchase and sale of shares in the company or related financial instruments. The companies are obligated to publish this information. Insignificant purchase and sales transactions are exempt from this disclosure obligation.
Notifications pursuant to Section Art. 19(1) subparagraph 2 MAR