Press Release
Change in the Executive Board of Aurubis AG
Hamburg | Friday, September 19, 2014
Peter Willbrandt, Chief Executive Officer of Aurubis AG, today has informed the Supervisory Board of the company that he is not available for an extension of his board membership after 31 March, 2015, due to personal reasons.
The Supervisory Board regrets this decision, nevertheless accepts it. Therefore the Supervisory Board will immediately enter into the succession planning. Should it become necessary in the course of the procedure to complement the Executive Board by an interim member, the Supervisory Board intends to delegate Dr.-Ing. Bernd Drouven from the Supervisory Board to the Executive Board for a maximum period of one year pursuant to sec. 105 para. 2 of the German Stock Corporation Act. In such case, Dr. Drouven would also preside over the Executive Board. Dr. Drouven has already consented hereto.
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