Press Release
Tomorrow Metals by Aurubis: Multimetal supplier stands for a strong commitment to sustainability
Hamburg/London | Monday, October 11, 2021
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- Aurubis introduces label “Tomorrow Metals by Aurubis” at London Metal Exchange Week
- Label encompasses the many measures taken by the Group to further enhance its sustainability performance
- CEO Harings: “We are committed to constantly delivering more value with less environmental footprint”
During the London Metal Exchange Week, the annual meeting of the metals industry in the UK capital, multimetal supplier Aurubis presented its new label. With the name “Tomorrow Metals by Aurubis,” it emphasizes the Group’s strong focus on sustainability.
In this way, we show our customers that acting responsibly is a mindset at Aurubis and that we set the highest standards in energy efficiency and environmental protection in all of our activities. ‘Tomorrow Metals by Aurubis’ represents the assurance that we, as the most sustainable smelter network in the world, are committed to constantly delivering more value with less environmental footprint,
emphasizes Roland Harings, CEO of Aurubis AG.
Michael Hellemann Soerensen, Head of Commercial at Aurubis, underlines:
Our commitment encompasses our many efforts to act and do business sustainably, efforts we have already made in the past and will continue to push forward in the future as well. Those who buy from Aurubis today and in the future can be assured that our metals are at the forefront when it comes to their environmental footprint.
The customer promise “Tomorrow Metals by Aurubis” is backed by reliable KPIs that are regularly reported and continuously improved with effective measures.
- Aurubis has invested more than € 670 million in environmental protection measures since 2000, reducing dust emissions to air by 96 % and metal emissions to water by 88 % in copper production across the Group, among other achievements.
- Aurubis is determined to keep shrinking its CO2 footprint, thus contributing to the 1.5°C goal of the Paris Climate Agreement. Compared to 2018, the Group wants to cut its Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 50 % and Scope 3 emissions by 24 % per ton of copper produced until 2030. Aurubis already produces copper with less than half the CO2 per ton than its international competitors.
- Today, Aurubis’ copper cathodes contain more than 40 % recycling material already. To further promote the circular economy of metals, the Group will build on its plans to continue expanding its recycling capacities in the future as well – currently, these capacities amount to about one million tons per year.
- When selecting business partners, Aurubis ensures that, among other aspects, sustainability and compliance criteria are reviewed, monitored, and documented.
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